Diary of a Launch: My Matrix Build-A-Bond Event Experience

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Diary of a Launch: My Matrix Build-A-Bond Event Experience



Salon Artistic & Education Manager


I was invited to Matrix Instacure Build-A-Bond launch. Here’s my take on the perfect pink party!   

I spent a recent rainy Melbourne Sunday in a wash of pink, personalised Haircare, and playful colour demonstrations for the launch of Matrix Instacure Build-A-Bond. Here’s why I’m bringing it all home to my very own bathroom.   


New product launches are always a big deal – especially when you’re celebrating with Matrix. Naturally, my excitement levels were high for the introduction of Instacure Build-A-Bond, a revolutionary new range focused on reaffirming the hydrogen bond matrix within mega damaged hair.   

Unlike the original Matrix Instacure – designed for mild damage, a few split ends and general hair wear and tear – Build-A-Bond's potent Citric Acid and Squalene formulations target seriously damaged and desensitised hair. You know the kind that is stripped of height and fullness due to chemical treatments, intense bleach and daily Heat Styling? Me too...   
This range was talking my language, so I couldn’t wait to attend the Super Sync Sunday Session to discover how to delete decades of damage myself.


The Event:   

With an invitation promising to turn the town pink, Matrix truly delivered. As the team landed in Melbourne to launch this incredibly exciting product, the vibe was high with a day of connection, engagement and play planned within an uber-cool urban home.    
As I arrived, the room space was abuzz with industry insiders, Salon owners and Stylists coming together in a sea of fuchsia, cerise, bubble-gum and blush. This was my kind of crew, and as the Super Sync Sunday Session kicked off, we were instantly served up engaging education, personalised product, and Instagrammable moments in a sea of pink perfection.   


The Education:  

Presented by Matrix Artists All-Stars and leading local Stylists, guests were treated to educational moments with models throughout the day.   
Our very own Hairhouse Stylist, Cheyenne Orr – one of the Matrix All Stars Competition Winners for 2024 – also appeared, showcasing her Styling skills and the reason she is one of the industry stars on the rise to watch.    


The Interactive Zones:   

The Super Sync Sunday Session’s most playful moments were the pink wall, bubble bathtub and sublime pastel interactive elements. With the Hairhouse crew, we created our own friendship bracelets with fairy floss-coloured pink beads, indulged in the pink-themed food and drinks and selected our personalised Matrix Haircare products through a unique, private shopping experience.  


Matrix and Me  

With decades of damage from colouring and Heat Styling behind me, I’m so excited to get started with Matrix Instacure Build-A-Bond. After a fun Super Sync Sunday Session and my bag of personalised product to-go, I now have my routine set to transform my hair from ‘No’ to ‘Woah’ in weeks.   
Starting with the Shampoo, created to provide eight times stronger and 94% smoother hair, plus the Mighty Bonds Conditioner - which reverses dull texture and seals split ends - my shower power is set to improve drastically.   
The Mighty Bonds Instant Revival Mask – promising to rejuvenate hair health and smooth texture – plus Mighty Bonds Super Sealing Leave-In-Balm, designed to deeply enrich and revitalise the hair infrastructure from within, my hair health is set to be healed at an entirely deeper level.   

Stay tuned. With my new routine set, I’ll update you all in a few weeks. But until then, shop your own pretty pink Matrix Instacure Build-A-Bond products at Hairhouse today.


Shop the Matrix Instacure Build a Bond Range