About Ovarian Cancer Australia
Learn more about ovarian cancer, Ovarian Cancer Australia’s mission and how they're supporting women and their families.
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About Ovarian Cancer Australia
Ovarian Cancer Australia is an independent national not-for-profit organisation supporting people impacted by ovarian cancer. Their focus is to provide care and support those affected by ovarian cancer and their families and advocate for them.
Ovarian Cancer Australia is the only organisation in Australia that provides free access to specialist ovarian cancer nurses to anyone affected by ovarian cancer, no matter where they live. They also provide access to free evidence-based holistic support programs that address unmet needs women experience once diagnosed.
Their specialist advocacy team works directly with the government, taking a bipartisan approach, engaging with advisory bodies, and collaborating with other changemakers in the ovarian cancer space. Their goal is to update policies and procedures, ensuring access to optimal care and directing large-scale funding to create better outcomes for people with ovarian cancer.
To save lives and ensure that no woman with ovarian cancer walks alone.
Ovarian Cancer Australia's Vision
Ovarian Cancer Australia’s Vision
“To save lives and ensure that no woman with ovarian cancer walks alone.”
Their Clinical Services Team includes psychologists, social workers, and exercise and nutrition experts to provide holistic support and guidance.
They also provide free evidence-based support programs that address unmet needs women experience once diagnosed. Research tells us that women with access to these support services achieve a greater sense of well-being and mental health than women who are not referred and may or may not be in crisis.
Ovarian Cancer Australia wants all women to have access to these support services, so funding is needed to grow their team and resources.
“We want ALL women to have access to these support services…” Ovarian Cancer Australia
We want ALL women to have access to these support services…
Ovarian Cancer Australia
Ovarian Cancer Facts
Ovarian cancer is Australia's deadliest female cancer
Only 31% are aware that ovarian cancer has the poorest survival rate of any female cancer
5 women in Australia are diagnosed every day, 3 of the 5 will die
70% of women diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer will have a recurrence
No early detection test for ovarian cancer - even a pap smear does not detect.
1,800 Australian women are diagnosed every year
Ovarian cancer signs & symptoms
- Unexplained fatigue
- Unexplained weight gain or loss
- Change in bowel habits, such as constipation
- Increased abdominal size or persistent abdominal bloating
- Abdominal or pelvic (lower tummy) pain
- Appetite loss, feeling full quickly or indigestion
- Urinary changes, such as frequency or urgency
Remember that all the symptoms mentioned can be from other health problems. Many women experience these symptoms, and it’s not a cause for concern. However, if your symptoms persist and are unusual for you, please chat with your doctor.
It’s best to seek a second opinion if you’re uncomfortable with your doctor’s diagnosis or still concerned about unexplained symptoms.
No one knows your body better than you, so listen to what your body is telling you and advocate for yourself.
Make an Impact Today
Every donation helps fund vital research, support programs, and awareness for Ovarian Cancer. Your generosity makes a difference.
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